How to Create and Maintain a Minimal-Maintenance Aquarium
The females are a light tan color with a dark stripe running down their sides. It is the unique coloring of the male species that gives this fish its name. These have a red color that becomes deep cherry red when they are spawning. These cheap fish pets grow to around 1.3” (3.5 cm) from head to tail. This bottom-dwelling fish likes to spend time by its burrow, and feeds on food that sinks to the bottom of the tank.
Betta Fish, known for their stunning colors and elaborate fins, are a popular choice for beginners. These fish are often kept alone due to their aggressive nature, particularly among males. However, their solitary lifestyle doesn’t detract from their beauty or the joy they bring to an aquarium.
While they prefer to be kept with six to eight of their own kind, they don't need to be housed in a species-specific tank thanks to their gentle nature. A hardy species of fish native to China, the white cloud mountain minnow is a graceful and peaceful community fish that likes to be paired with at least five others of its species. Measuring 1.5 inches in length and living for around three to five years, they're a good fish for beginners and are easy to breed. White cloud mountain minnows do not like heat and need to be kept in water with a temperature below 72°F.
Even if you’ve chosen hardy fish as your starter fish, you’re still going to expose them to toxins, which will eventually reflect in their health. It goes without saying that adding small fish to a tank with larger fish is also a no-no, since the bigger fish will mistake the smaller ones for food. So, you’ll need to perform water changes and clean the tank regularly to keep nitrate levels under control. If you add fish to a tank that hasn’t gone to a cycling process, ammonia levels will spike because of the waste fish generate.Measuring a petite one and a half inches in length, these tiny fish have bright streaks of blue and red and tend to live for around 10 years. They are easy to care for, making them a good choice for beginners, and they have a quiet and calm temperament. Creating a low-maintenance freshwater aquarium doesn't mean you have to compromise on aesthetics or the well-being of the aquatic species you choose. With the fish species mentioned in this article, dive into a world of vibrant colors, fascinating personalities, and minimum maintenance requirements. But what if we told you that you can have a stunning, low-maintenance freshwater aquarium filled with vibrant and content fish?