10 Crucial Tips on How to Maintain A Freshwater Fish Tank
Semi-aquatic turtles like the Spotted Turtle, with their striking yellow spots, are unique freshwater turtle species that can be a centerpiece in your tank. The Spotted Turtle care is also beginner-friendly because they don’t need much to thrive. Give them a tank with clean, shallow water and feed them a well-maintained diet, and they’re good to go. Small freshwater turtles like bottom-dwelling Musk Turtles are perfect for moderate-depth tanks. The common Musk Turtle tank setup should have sandy substrates because they love hiding at the tank’s bottom.
You can’t go wrong with performing weekly 10-15% water changes that will physically remove excess waste and dilute toxins. Just because your fish will keep on eating after you’ve fed them the recommended amount of food, it doesn’t mean they’re always hungry. Of course, all these can be avoided with proper care and maintenance. After you complete the nitrogen cycle, you’ll still need to monitor toxin levels to see if there are any changes you should be aware of. The resulting number will tell you the total length of mature fish you can keep in the tank.
While they prefer to be kept with six to eight of their own kind, they don't need to be housed in a species-specific tank thanks to their gentle nature. A hardy species of fish native to China, the white cloud mountain minnow is a graceful and peaceful community fish that likes to be paired with at least five others of its species. Measuring 1.5 inches in length and living for around three to five years, they're a good fish for beginners and are easy to breed. White cloud mountain minnows do not like heat and need to be kept in water with a temperature below 72°F.
They all have long, flowing fins and bodies that are taller than they are wide. These fish are peaceful and require shoals but have been known to shoal with other varieties of Tetras. I hope this has helped you figure out the characteristics of the fish that require low maintenance. To check some more fish that remain small in size even in their adult stage of life you can click here. Keeping a fish in a bowl is the only viable option at times, but not every fish is suited to live in such a confined space.
These are the least expensive option and work very well for smaller tanks. There are several pieces that all come together when you are trying to select your first aquarium setup. You should also consider how much time you have to devote to the upkeep and cleaning of your tank.